Monday, February 8, 2010

what's in a name?

What's in a Name?
Watercolor & Acrylic

I know, I know... I said that I was going to put up paintings that made people felt better and more peaceful. But today, I have to break that promise.. I actually felt rather frustrated with myself. Confused, lost and unsure of my identity. I have moved so many times. Lost so much ground.

"What's in a name?" contains chinese characters from my name. The two of which I actually know how to write semi-decently. One more is missing - because it is quite a mystery. There have been debates between relatives and old aunty friends who say it is a garden or 'imperial' garden or phoenix... I'd like to think it is a garden.


  1. wow. the colors - this is your most complex work yet. it really explores the themes you mentioned.

  2. Thanks Az. I'm glad you see through the layers.

    Channeling feelings through paint is such a release. I even feel better today.
