Sunday, April 25, 2010

sitting series

"We will sit through this storm"

This is the second painting in the "Sitting" series. Here was the first painting: I will sit through this storm.

If you look carefully, there are two people sitting together in this new painting. The second person is holding the first from behind him/her. The redder colour scheme represents many things - passion, tension, fire, the many things that couples face, and extreme feelings of both good and bad. Most importantly is that we can sit through anything together; if we stay united and breathe through it all with patience, love and compassion.

Happy sitting, folks. :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Redang Island

Redang Island
Water color
9" x 12"

We had the most wonderful vacation in this island with jade-like waters in some areas, and crystal blue in others. It was so nice to be care-free and warm whilst enjoying the sea fishies trying to nibble at our skin.